Monday, November 30, 2009

Trip to KK Poring Hot Spring

Laju mum... azym ngalih posing sudah ni.... (kinabalu park)
what a view and its a bit cold...

behind us ... a waterfall....!

Ooohhh...mummy this water stinks... bau kantut! (obviously baby its from the hot spring!)
Beautiful scenery from the bridge

OOh yes hadiy...tutup hidung atu... and look at azym..(masam jua muka atu)

This bridge is moving mum...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Trip to Aqua Centre - University Sabah

beautiful wall in 3d...

apa hadiy senyumkan atu...

Wow... a real size sea turtle

strike for pose matyn?

Its a tiny sea horse......
What are you pointing at abang matyn?....

Wow... look at those fishes

Wafiy is pointing at the gigantic garoupa fish...

Matyn...stop measuring that fish!

Guess what this is...? Its a stonefish...!

Wow..... we are so excited.. sampai besar mata harith..!

Harith... camera action..!

KK trip day 1 and 2

stop taking pictures mum... im so ashame...!

We are the national sungai
hanching swimmers! fit and healthy...

Emm mum, kami .. warming up dulu???

Here we go... on your mark get set.....go!

Mum... matyn monitor durang saja from here!!!

Arrgh... a breath taking swimming pool. Gorgeous view of the mountains..

Look I can swimmmm... mmum...!
I thought im taller than you abang hadiy!!

emmmm... look at harith enjoying the waterfall....

smillleeee are on candid camera!

Mummmy.... abang lapar sudah ni...mau makan nasi ayam!!

OGDC trip Tuesday 24.11.09

Beware......Extreme closeupppp!.....

Here we are having lunch viewing Belait river.... mum ada crocodile kah tu??

Aargh! sakit my muscle babah! Im toooo tall...!

Look... im flying like a bird!!

Look.... I can ride a two wheel bicycle!

Magiccc...... ! My lower body is invincible..

What are you pulling wafiy??