Sunday, September 29, 2013

9 more days left. well, technically 9 days 9 hours 57 minutes and 43 seconds and counting left until the first exam. GP. Am I prepared? Not quite. Can I make myself prepared before the time comes? I hope I can. Just one final push to get out of sixth form and into adulthood. Well, freedom awaits.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

2 days left

    I forgot how blogging can ease up my mind. It is a personal blog, of my life. I think i can safely complain about anything here. Readers, you are reading an open-to-public diary. Haha. Screw formality (sorry formality). I've got my math to worry about, of which 4 past years are of mechanics and another 4 for pure. I might be dead (in figurative speaking) by Monday, but i'll die fighting. Trying to finish off those debts, that is. In this world, even though I don't feel alone anymore, i wonder if I had made the right choice, even though i don't regret choosing it. Anyways, it's been a long time, blog. I'll keep in touch every now and then.

The crossroad

 I've finally reach it. The place where thousands of possibilities lie before me. The crossroad, so this is where I choose my own path. Should I go study in Australia, and start a life there? Or should I stay here, build up my savings and then decide on the next step. It seems the latter is a better option, in my case. If I were to go to Australia it would mean parent's scholarship. I don't want to sound like a snot or whatever but I don't want to be in debt to them anymore. It's time to man up, and be independent. The least chosen path, of the crossroad.